Can Ultrasound Be Used To Break Down Fat Cells?
Can Ultrasound Be Used To Break Down Fat Cells?
It’s an excellent question to ask and one we are often asked by our clients at Ziba, both in Altrincham and Liverpool.
Let’s help you out.
By using ultrasound, fat cells under the skin can be broken down. In addition, it is a non-surgical method of reducing Cellulite and fat in localised areas.
Through ultrasonic vibrations, fat cells are subjected to pressure. As a result, fat cells are dissolved into liquid because of the pressure. Your urine can then remove the waste.
Kind of cool, right?
What Happens Next with the Fat?
Fat cells are broken down in the body and then excreted in the liver.
This treatment method is used along with other weight loss programs to help get rid of excessive fat.
It is a preferred method for other invasive procedures of eliminating body fat.
However, it is essential to note that your weight could return if you consume a high-calorie diet.
The procedure can take longer for some people than others because at Ziba Clinics the procedure is customised based on your needs.
How Does it Work?
Ultrasonic cavitation uses low-frequency ultrasonic waves and radio frequencies to tone the body. This creates bubbles under the skin that surround fat deposits.
As a result of the burst of the bubbles, fat deposits are discharged into the lymphatic and interstitial systems.
Fatty acids and glycerol are produced from fat deposits, with glycerol and free fatty acids discarded as waste.
How long does an ultrasonic cavitation session last?
The procedure can take longer for some people than others because the procedure is customised based on your needs.
Can ultrasonic cavitation be performed on any parts of the body?
Generally, it is most effective in areas with localised fat.
There are many areas where this occurs, including the abdomen, flanks, thighs, hips, and upper arms. Bony parts of the body such as the head, neck, and feet cannot be treated with this procedure.
Ultrasonic Cavitation: Health Effects
With ultrasonic cavitation, you can reduce fat deposits that can be hard to get rid of through exercise alone.
This process, however, cannot be used as a standalone method of weight loss treatment.
Cellulite and adipose fat are reduced most effectively with ultrasonic cavitation. In addition, ultrasonic cavitation reduces circumference and improves shape.
Following cavitation, consuming a low-calorie diet and exercising regularly are essential. In addition, keeping your weight under control and treating conditions such as prediabetes should be possible.
At Ziba in Altrincham and Liverpool, we offer a meal plan to help you on your way.
Of course, we are always honest, so we take a holistic approach.
Exercise should not be substituted with ultrasonic cavitation.
The benefits of exercising include reducing body fat and coronary disease risk. Even if it’s just walking.
Non-Invasive Fat Reduction: Pros and Cons
Like everything in life, using non-invasive methods to reduce body fat has advantages and disadvantages.
Downtime is minimal or nonexistent.
With a healthy lifestyle, results last a long time.
Has a minimum number of side effects.
Does not leave any scars.
The procedure does not require anaesthesia.
Results are gradual, so you can remain in control of your treatment.
Compared to invasive methods such as liposuction, weight loss is less.
Those with a large amount of weight to lose may find it ineffective.
It may be necessary to combine this method with other weight loss methods to achieve desired results.
After receiving ultrasonic cavitation, you should continue to eat a healthy, balanced diet and drink adequate fluids.
You can adopt a low-calorie diet by eating fruits and vegetables with a low glycemic index or fewer carbohydrates.
Of course, we like to think the positives outweigh any downside. And we would love to chat with you and tailor any treatment.
This can change lives, so we would love to talk to you.
Where appropriate, always consult with your GP.